As part of the ProCredit group, ProCredit Bank Germany has been a development-oriented commercial bank from the very beginning. The aim from the outset was to support the economy there and in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc. ProCredit Bank Germany supports companies in their business in South Eastern and Eastern Europe and networks them with the local ProCredit banks there. Our clients benefit from our many years of local expertise.
ProCredit Bank’s approach is based on three pillars
Support for business clients doing business in South Eastern and Eastern Europe
The first pillar is our activities as a commercial bank for companies doing business with or in South Eastern and Eastern Europe. In cooperation with our affiliate banks, ProCredit is active locally and supports companies with payment transactions, account openings in the target country, and trade or business finance. We also specialize in financing renewable energy projects.
Responsible banking with a focus on renewable energies
Our second pillar is to support economic growth in our countries of operation and help shape the energy transition in South Eastern and Eastern Europe through the targeted promotion of renewable energies through our Renewable Energy Centre. Local financing has a positive impact on job creation and economic development in the home countries. The financing we provide is always based on our strict sustainability criteria and Exclusion list.
Invest in the ProCredit group’s sustainable business model by investing with us
Our message is simple: everyone can support sustainable banking! We offer more than just an interest-bearing service – for us, our clients are partners in thinking sustainability. We offer attractive interest rates on call money and term deposits. With their deposits, our clients enable us to provide our sustainable financing Impact Report and drive forward sustainable business and the green transformation locally. Our clients are part of the big picture!
But an investment with ProCredit Bank is not only attractive: it’s also secure. Finally, in addition to the statutory deposit guarantee, it is protected by membership of the Deposit Protection Fund of the Association of German Banks e.V. (Deposit protection). Sound good? We think so, too!
The key facts
- 11 affiliate banks in South Eastern and Eastern Europe
- Successful in South Eastern and Eastern Europe since 1998
- Successful in Germany since 2012
- CO2 footprint per employee in the bank reduced by 12% within 3 years
- Diverse and equal with a share of women in middle management of >50% (bank)
Christoph Beeck
Management Board
Christoph Beeck has been working at ProCredit Bank AG since April 2022 and was appointed as its Chief Risk Officer on 9 September 2022. As CRO/CFO of the bank within the Management Board, he is responsible for credit risk management, risk controlling, corporate strategy & development, financial controlling, accounting, legal, compliance, audit and all back-office units.
Christoph Beeck started at Commerzbank in 1997. After completing his vocational training as a banker, he studied for his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (HfB), graduating in 2005. Parallel to this, he underwent a trainee programme in retail banking. After a stint at comdirect bank AG from 2005-2008, he went on to play a key role in building up Commerzbank’s Central and Eastern Europe segment until 2012, where he ultimately held the position of divisional head responsible for Financial and Resource Management. From 2013-2015, he was Group Project Manager responsible for setting up the group’s Non-Core Assets segment. Most recently, as Managing Director, he was responsible for the steering of group activities and strategic projects in connection with the Polish subsidiary, mBank, as well as being an active member of various risk committees. In addition to this, before joining ProCredit, he was also responsible for Deposit Business and Portfolio Management for Commerzbank AG’s Private and Corporate Clients segment.

Emilia Tzareva
Member of the Management Board
Emilia Tzareva has been responsible for front office operations at ProCredit Bank AG in Germany since 2018. She currently heads the Business and Private Client Services, Payments, Foreign Trade Finance, Treasury, HR and Office Management departments. With her sales-driven focus, Emilia Tzareva supports German SMEs when doing business in South Eastern and Eastern Europe.
She enriches our company with a wealth of experience: after starting her professional career at a Bulgarian state-owned bank in 1992, she worked alternately in senior positions for ProCredit Bank in Bulgaria and Germany, including in the business areas of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and private clients, online services, treasury and cash management, payment transactions and card payments, and marketing.