Name and legal domicile:
ProCredit Bank AG
Rohmerplatz 33-37
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Authorised representatives:
Management Board: Christoph Beeck, Emilia Tzareva
Chair of the Supervisory Board:
Hubert Spechtenhauser
Contact details:
ProCredit Bank AG
Rohmerplatz 33-37
60486 Frankfurt
Tel.: +49 (0)69 719129-0
Fax: +49 (0)69 719129-299
Responsible supervisory authority:
Europäische Zentralbank
Sonnemannstraße 22
60314 Frankfurt am Main
German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn
Commercial register entry:
Commercial Register of the District Court of Frankfurt am Main
Commercial register number: HRB 92990
Tax identification number: DE282334267
Bank code: 502 108 00
Notes on out-of-court dispute resolution
ProCredit Bank AG participates in the dispute resolution procedure of the “Ombudsmann der privaten Banken” (consumer arbitration board for German private banks) In order to resolve any disputes with the bank, consumers may call upon the services of the Ombudsman responsible for German private banks. Where disputes involve payment services contracts (Section 675f of the German Civil Code (BGB)), customers who are not consumers also may call on the services of the Ombudsman responsible for German private banks. Further details are contained in the Rules of Procedure for the Settlement of Customer Complaints in the German Private Commercial Banking Sector [Verfahrensordnung für die Schlichtung von Kundenbeschwerden im deutschen Bankgewerbe], which are available on request or can be downloaded from the Internet at Complaints should be addressed in writing (e.g. by post, fax or e-mail) to: Customer Complaints Office, Bundesverband deutscher Banken (Association of German Banks), Postfach 040307, 10062 Berlin, Fax: (030) 1663-3169. E-mail:
Notes on the European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) procedure between consumers and businesses
Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 on Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers provides consumers with the opportunity to use the EU’s ODR platform to obtain an out-of-court settlement in the case of disputes with businesses involving online purchase or online service agreements. The ODR platform was implemented by the European Commission and can be accessed via this link:
As a precautionary measure, we would like to point out that the ProCredit financial holding group operates exclusively under the protected trademarks “ProCredit Bank” and “Banco ProCredit” in the countries listed on the website and does not cooperate with credit intermediaries.
Frankfurt, 12 January 2017
Concept, design and development:
Digitalagentur helllicht