Why we reject financing certain types of businesses.
One thing is certain: there are limits. A bank cannot simply finance everything just to make money.
As a development-oriented commercial bank with a long-standing presence in our target region, we enjoy the trust of our partners. For example, our clients are confident that we only finance ventures that are compatible with our objectives and standards. In other words, businesses that act sustainably, advance economies, are part of the energy transition or contribute to better living conditions locally. These standards have been an integral part of our business model – right from the start.
But just as important for us is our Exclusion List, which allows us to fully concentrate on promoting meaningful projects or investments. You can be sure that ProCredit Bank is only interested in making a positive difference. For a sustainable economy and society.
But would you also like to know what exactly we are excluding?
A comprehensive description of our exclusion criteria can be downloaded as PDF here: Exclusion list
When we refrain from financing certain activities
Human rights violations
Production or activities involving harmful or exploitative forms of forced labor/harmful child labor, discriminatory practices, or practices which prevent employees from lawfully exercising their rights of association and collective bargaining
Trade and production of weapons and ammunition
Production or trade in weapons (including hunting weapons) and munitions
Work that involves radioactive or asbestos-containing materials
Production or trade in radioactive materials (including storage and treatment of radioactive wastes), business or activities relating to the nuclear industry or nuclear materials Production or trade in or use of un-bonded asbestos fibres or asbestos-containing products
Products made with wood from forests that have not been certified as sustainably managed
Non-sustainable logging and any work with wood from non-sustainably managed forests
Prohibited transboundary movements of waste
Transboundary movements of waste prohibited under international law
Trade in wild animals and plants
Trade in wildlife, wildlife products or wild plant species regulated under CITES
Endangerment of cultural or archaeological sites
Activities which may adversely affect sites of cultural or archaeological significance
Endangerment of indigenous peoples and/or threatened groups
Activities within, adjacent to, or upstream of land occupied by indigenous peoples and/or vulnerable groups, including lands and watercourses used for subsistence activities such as livestock grazing, hunting or fishing
Trade in forbidden pharmaceuticals, pesticides or chemicals
Production or trade in narcotics or controlled substances Production or trade in products containing polychlorinated biphenyls Production or trade in pharmaceuticals, pesticides/herbicides and other hazardous substances subject to international phase-outs or bans
Gambling, casinos and equivalent enterprises
Gambling (including online gambling), casinos and equivalent enterprises
Pornography and prostitution
Prostitution and any business for which the primary business activity is related to pornography