Cultivating German-Romanian relations

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Romania is very near and dear to our hearts. That is why we gladly accepted the invitation to the German-Romanian Business Forum. Among the other invitees: top-tier political celebrities!

Together with the AHK Romania,the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, with the support of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), organised the German-Romanian Business Forum in Berlin from 28 to 29 September 2023.

With a trade volume of EUR 24 billion in the first seven months of 2023, Romania is already by far Germany’s most important trading partner in South Eastern Europe. The purpose of the event is to foster the exchange of ideas between players in the region and the exploration of cooperation and investment potential.

Exciting topics right from the start

On the first day of the conference, the focus was on nearshoring (relocation of jobs to neighbouring countries), research and development (R&D), and digitalisation. The second day was opened by Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck, his Moldovan counterpart Dumitru Alaiba, and Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate at the Federal Foreign Office. Day 2 focused on sustainable energy and food supply.

We were represented at the event together with our colleagues from ProCredit Bank Romania. Our Management Board member Christoph Beeck moderated the discussion panel on the topic of energy. In addition to the Ministers for Economic Affairs, the Ministers for Energy from Romania and Moldova also took part in the panel.

Business in Romania made easy

How we come into play: ProCredit Bank Germany actively supports customers doing business in South Eastern and Eastern Europe. The German ProCredit group is active in both countries. Together with our affiliate banks ProCredit Bank Romania and ProCredit Bank Moldova, ProCredit Bank Germany supports companies from Germany both in the region and locally.

What does that mean for you? That we assist you in financing your projects in Romania – preferably renewable energy projects. We also help with financing so that you can gain a foothold locally. We protect your business with our trade finance services. Another advantage: thanks to our payment transaction services, you can make cost-efficient payments to and from Romania. Good for the local economy and your company!


A solar park in Kosovo that is fuelling the future.

Five years ago, we started our journey towards climate neutrality. A milestone has now been reached along the way – in a country that was not previously known for this type of activity.

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